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List is compulsory for first 100miles out. First 100miles out has stretches up to 55km between aid stations and can be seen as the rugged self sufficient and self navigate adventure of the race were the second 100miles back you will share the trail with the normal 100mile race and be spoiled with fully stocked aid stations every 8 to 17km.
Compulsory equipment for 100miles back is same as for normal 100mile race(refer to 100mile section).
Mac Mac Ultra is registered as a UTMB® INDEX RACE.
Participants’ Minimum qualifications and experience
It is illegal to trespass onto the Mac Mac Trail without a permit. Whilst the organisers of the Mac Mac Ultra actively encourage participants of this event to hike the Fanie Botha and other Trails we relinquish any attempt to trespass on Private Property. As the Mac Mac Trails is equally off bounds to everyone for the purposes of training the event organisers will not hesitate to disqualify anyone who trespasses onto the Trail outside of this event and ban them from future participation. Past participants guilty of trespassing will have their previous results annulled and names publicised on the event websites and in event correspondences.
List is compulsory for all athletes
You will be spoiled with fully stocked aid stations every 8 to 17km.
Mac Mac Ultra is registered as a UTMB® INDEX RACE.